足彩外围(Ashland University)公布了24/25份潜在学生助学金! 请留意有一条短信链接到你的个性化经济援助视频,解释你的包和出席费用! If you have not received your offer, 请确保您在FAFSA上将AU列为学校收件人(学校代码003012)。.
Calculate Your Cost of Attendance
How much should I expect to pay?
足彩外围净价格计算器将帮助你估计你的自付费用,并为你即将到来的一年提供经济援助的估计. 大一新生和转学生可以在经济上准备好开始你的大学教育.
一年级学生需要你的高中GPA和ACT成绩. 转学生将需要他们的累积大学GPA和大学学分累积.
Please note that this is an estimate; its result is formulated from the information provided. You will receive an official offer once your FAFSA and all required documentation are received.
Types of Financial Aid
有很多机会可以让你的教育负担得起, private, federal, and state sources.
Ashland University offers a broad range of scholarships 表彰学生在学术、体育、艺术和其他领域的成就. 学生还可以从外部私人来源获得助学金或奖学金.
Federal and State grants and loans 如果你符合学术要求,你是否有资格获得其他类型的援助, 收入或基于FAFSA的其他要求.
On-campus and off-campus student employment 还能帮助学生支付学费,同时为未来获得宝贵的经验和技能吗.
Types of Financial Aid
Financial Aid For Your Student Type
Financial Aid Forms
Financial Aid on Your Bill
账单显示的是你一个学期的实际费用, 减去任何已经记入你账户的经济援助和你所欠的. 某些情况可能会影响你申请财务援助的能力. Reasons include:
- 联邦补助金和贷款要到你本学期第一节课开始前10天才会记入你的账户.
- 财政援助办公室可能正在等待所需的文件, such as verification and/or tax returns, 你的一些经济援助可能会被搁置,等待文件完成.
- You may still need to complete the required loan processes.
- Federal student loans have an origination fee; therefore, 您可能收到的付款金额可能略低于您接受的金额.
- You may be taking classes with extra course or departmental fees 助学金录取信中不包括实验室材料, assessments or certifications.
- Selection of a different higher priced housing and/or meal plan option that increased your costs.
- 你可能仍然有资格免除学生没有免除的学生健康保险费.
- Assessed a tuition overload fee.
学生就业收入不直接应用到你的账单,直到你获得一个 on-campus job, 与学生会计办公室完成学生雇佣合同, 并根据工作时间赚取资金.
有关帐单的问题,请参阅 Student Accounts Office page.
Financial Aid FAQs
Contact the Financial Aid Office
Financial Aid Office
310 Founders Hall
Financial Aid Counselors
Last names beginning with T-Z